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Tropical forests “fix” themselves
400-year study finds Northeast forests resilient, changing
Smithsonian research plot burns in Yosemite fires
Q&A: Katie Cramer on the long term human impact on coral reefs in Caribbean Panama
Caught on camera: Despite hard shells pollen sticks to South African beetles
High CO2 spurs wetlands to absorb more carbon
Rising temperatures mean more blooms for tropical rainforests
Climate change conundrum: Invasive reed makes much more methane
Loss of animals spells doom for diversity of rainforest trees
Smithsonian scientists discover that rainforests take the heat
Mosses have strong potential to acclimate to global warming, study indicates
VIDEO: 3-D scanning at the Smithsonian
Escape of the invasives: Top six invasive plant species in the United States
Going for the gut: DNA from beetle stomachs reveals complex network
Wild ginseng in steep decline in Maryland, survey reveals: Q&A with Smithsonian botanist Christopher Puttock