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Meet the candy striped hermit crab, a new Caribbean species
Coral reefs grow faster, healthier when parrotfish are abundant
Newly named, Hawaiian tree species already critically endangered
Peacock bass invasion Had devastating, long-term impact on Panama’s Fish
New parasitic crab species discovered during Smithsonian Biocube work in Solomon Islands
Fishy Caribbean ‘juveniles’ recognized as new species
By simply pooping, comb jellies expel long-held scientific misconception
Annual Smithsonian-led science festival draws crowds in Fort Pierce, Florida
Tiny ocean crustaceans wear invisibility cloak of living bacteria
What the Ancient CO2 Record May Mean for Future Climate Change
Mystery solved: frogs use snout glands in emergency jail break
Brief squid surprise
Climate Change May Benefit Native Oysters, but There’s a Catch
Bizarre new marine worms covered in bristles, wrinkles & bumps
Study shows how birds dive safely at high speeds