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First fish App from the Smithsonian free on iTunes. “The Smithsonian Guide to the Shore Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific”
Male spider’s sexual organs work fastest only when a female breaks them off
Caribbean box jellyfish now thriving in southern Florida
New exhibition looks at fishes from the “Inside Out”
Five funky and 5 fun facts about fishes
Why did the tortoise cross the road? A recent study indicates few do.
New Book: “Fishes: The Animal Answer Guide”
Members of small monkey groups more likely to fight, researchers find
Mistletoe facts from a Smithsonian botanist
Reptiles may be spreading deadly amphibian disease in the tropics
Kiwi chick hatching a success at the National Zoo
Smithsonian scientists help build first frozen repository of Great Barrier Reef coral
Urban songbirds adjust melodies to adapt to life in the big city, Smithsonian scientists find
First Eld’s deer born from in vitro fertilization with help of Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute scientists
“Molynocoelia erwini,” a new species of fruit fly from Ecuador