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Manakins, birds of tropical forests, form alliances for common good
Deadly amphibian disease detected in the last disease-free region of Central America
Green-headed Tanager (Tangara seledon) of east-central South America
Lofty experiments with gliding ants reveals secrets of their unusual flight
Scientists turn to social networking and citizen scientists to help keep track of amphibians
Five cheetah cubs born at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Keepers are optimistic about Zoo’s new breeding pair of Asian small-clawed otters
Damai, a two-and-a-half-year-old female Sumatran tiger, makes her debut at the National Zoo
Lookdown fish
Scientists discover the largest assembly of whale sharks ever recorded
Stranding records are faithful reflection of live whale and dolphin populations, new study reveals
Slideshow: Species discovered by Smithsonian researchers the past decade
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute to help create frozen repository of sperm and embryonic cells for Great Barrier Reef corals
Hormone tests show Mei Xiang, the National Zoo’s female giant panda, may be pregnant
National Museum of Natural History’s coral collection used in Caribbean agricultural and sewage pollution study