Gliding ants steer with hind legs as they fly backwards, scientists learn
Potential biofuel pest, the switchgrass moth, under renewed scrutiny of entomologists
New species of bat named from central coastal Ecuador
Turkey’s trip to table: Domesticating North America’s largest fowl
Hope Diamond: Embracing Hope
National Zoo and partners first to breed critically endangered tree frog
One hundred sixty years after his birth a racehorse’s bones return to Lexington
Robert Kennicott
Hope Diamond Mail Wrapper, Postmark: Nov. 8, 1958
Astronomers discover merging star systems that might explode
Chandra X-ray Observatory finds youngest nearby black hole
Astronomers find giant, previously unseen structure in our galaxy
Plant diversity in tropical forests increased during ancient global warming event
Fossil reveals 48-million year history of zombie ants
Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist discovers new method to weigh some distant stars