Home / Posts tagged 'galaxies'
Mining astronomical archives yields haul of “red nugget” galaxies
Astronomers create first realistic virtual universe
Star cluster thrown out of its galaxy
Fermi data offer clues to dark matter
Astronomers observe first direct evidence of Cosmic Inflation
SMA reveals giant star cluster in the making
Chandra X-ray Observatory turns up black hole bonanza in galaxy next door
Powerful computer simulations show how spiral galaxies get their arms
Active star-forming galaxy M82 in three wavelengths
Galactic thief: “I would have gotten away with it but for those meddling astronomers!”
Split-personality elliptical galaxy holds a hidden spiral
Chandra X-ray Observatory shows Milky Way is surrounded by halo of hot gas
Dying star illuminates distant galaxy, lifting veil of interstellar darkness for astronomers
Recreating a slice of the universe
Largest ever 3D map of the sky released by astronomers