Home / Posts tagged 'conservation biology' (Page 16)
Warming climate unlikely to cause near-term extinction of ancient Amazon trees, study says
Panama’s slime molds get attention from Arkansas University grad student
Relocating elephants fails to decrease human–wildlife conflict
NASA funds Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory instrument to track North American air pollution
New count reveals scrub-jay on Santa Cruz Island is among rarest bird species in the U.S.
Smithsonian launches Global Marine Biodiversity Project with $10 million donation
Climate change may alter amphibian evolution
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and George Mason University dedicate new academic facilities in Front Royal, Va.
New Book: “Birds of South Asia: The Ripley Guide”
Rare whale beached in Hawaii infected with deadly marine-mammal virus
Smithsonian marine biologist Nancy Knowlton discusses Great Barrier Reef coral dieoff on PBS NewsHour
Ships need to slow down for whales in Gulf of Panama, scientists advise
New panda cub dies at National Zoo
As robins disperse, West Nile mosquitoes switch diet to humans: Q&A with Smithsonian ornithologist Peter Marra
Undersea parasite turns male mud crabs female