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DNA on 100-year-old bat from France may help fight deadly fungus in North America
Too many hungry deer are lowering diversity of native plants in eastern U.S. forests
Scientists discover common sea nettle jellyfish is actually two distinct species
Mongooses wiped them out. Now Nicole Angeli wants the St. Croix ground lizard home again
Zoo scientists honored at Golden Goose
Tsunami reveals drifting ocean plastic opens globe to invasive castaways
Study shows parasites may be among earliest victims of climate change
In the wild, biodiversity’s power surpasses what experiments predict
Locked and loaded: unique trigger design fires this ant’s snapping jaws
The beautiful and bizarre treehopper
Indestructible jaws from ancient, extinct porcupine fish reveal new species
Coral reef eavesdropping unveils burrowed, romantic male singers
A first: New website reveals origin of genetic samples and date collected
Innovation: Belly gunk from flies used to survey forest animals
Study determines microscopic water bears will be Earth’s last survivors